Special Needs Programs: Conquer Leagues

About VSO
Victory Sports Enrollment
St. George & Mullins, SC, Summer Missions
Pay League Fees, Camps & Donations On-Line/Donation Bank Draft Form
Special Needs Programs: Conquer Leagues
Men's Flag Football
Ladies Volleyball (15 & up)
Summer Camps, Mission Trips, & Speaking Events
Aiken, SC
2011 Team and Golf Sponsors
Victory On-Line Store
Rain Out Information
2010-11 Winter/Spring Sponsor Sheet
Picture Albums/Videos

Riley Family
Mike is the Coordinator for the Conquer League

Welcome to Victory Sports! We are now accepting on-line registrations for winter Conquer League basketball!
  • The first practice/game will be held the week of January 2.  Day/Time/Location: TBD

On-Line Payments
We accept payments on-line. Please click on Pay League Fees, Camps & Donations On-Line/Donation Bank Draft Form to pay on-line, or mail checks to the following address:
Victory Sports
PO Box 1542
Fort Mill, SC 29716

The liability realease information must be checked on table below, or your on-line registration will not be accepted.   To better serve you, we are trying to go paperless with registration forms.  Completing the table below, agreeing to the liability release, and submitting your form wil signify that you agree to take responsibilty in the event of an accident. 
PLEASE NOTE:  The liability realease form will automatically default to "yes" if you don't click to indicate you disagree with the liability release.  Parent/Guardians must accept full responsibility in order for their child to participate.
Thank you!

Participant's Name (how you would like it spelled on trophy):
Phone (home):
Phone (cell):
T-Shirt Size:
Medical Concerns and/or food allergies:
Please explain special needs of participant that our volunteers will need to know:
I/we authorize the VSO or its designees, to create, have and use photographs, slides, and videotapes containing my child’s image for its record keeping or marketing/public relations programs (must click yes or no): yesno
LIABILITY RELEASE: I/we understand that there is a risk of serious injury associated with use of the VSO and partner facilities, participation in VSO programs and camps as well use of equipment. As a condition of my/my child’s participation I agree to assume the risk of injury arising from my/my child’s use of the facilities, programs, equipment and for all other matters at all VSO locations or programs whenever occurring. On behalf of myself and my heirs, administrators and executors, I hereby release and hold the VSO and its officers, partner churches, employees, volunteers, agents and contractors harmless from all such claims for injury and damage. I understand that I would not be permitted to participate in any VSO program or use any VSO or partner facility or equipment without acceptance of this agreement. By selecting the check box, you agree to and accept the above terms and conditions

But thanks be to God!  He gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ,  1 Cor. 15:57