Aiken T-Ball

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We are now accepting registration for Spring Baseball 2013

League will begin practicing the week of April 15th

All practices/games will be held at Redds Branch Baptist Church.

League is being held for grades 4k-4th.  (Child must be 4 by May 27)

Practice will be 1 hour/1 day a week.  We will plan on having 1 game a week with the possibility of have 2 games and no practices towards the end of the season.

Entry fee is $35; Family Membership $90 (Membership covers 1 sport for each season - Winter, Spring, Fall)

Entry fee includes Victory shirt, Victory bracelet, Trophy, Hat and Bible (Bible is for new participants)

Please fill out the form below to register for Spring Baseball.

By signing your name below you agree to VSO policies.  Please read completely before signing.

Parent/Guardian Name
Phone (Home)
Phone (Cell)
T-Shirt Size
Are there any Medical Issues that Victory Sports needs to be aware of? (Ex. Asthma, Food Allergies, etc.)
Are you interested in coaching?
Special Request (exp. Scheduling Conflicts)
I/we authorize the VSO or its designees, to create, have and use photographs, slides, and videos containing my child's image for its record keeping or marketing/public relations programs (must click yes or no)
I/we understand that there is a risk of serious injury associated with use of the VSO and partner facilities, participation in VSO programs and camps as well use of equipment. As a condition of my/my child’s participation I agree to assume the risk of injury arising from my/my child’s use of the facilities, programs, equipment and for all other matters at all VSO locations or programs whenever occurring. On behalf of myself and my heirs, administrators and executors, I hereby release and hold the VSO and its officers, partner churches, employees, volunteers, agents and contractors harmless from all such claims for injury and damage. I understand that I would not be permitted to participate in any VSO program or use any VSO or partner facility or equipment without acceptance of this agreement. By electronically signing your name, you agree to and accept the above terms and conditions

Devotions are shared during each practice and game.  Donja Lisk, with On Angels Wing Ministries, writes the Victory Sports leagues & camp devotionals. Devotions are shared after each practice. 
The Ball of Many Colors is shared weekly for Game Day devotions.  For more information on the Ball of Many Colors see  VICTORY SPORTS OUTREACH Home Page.